Wednesday, 10 September 2014

Making it 'Sticky' - Part 1

The first release of "Save My Bacon" (you can get it by clicking on a link at the top of the page!) was there for a few reasons:
  1. To test the process of releasing the app
  2. To start to get some traction on 'age'
  3. Because I didn't really know what to expect or what to do, so I wanted a chance to learn (hence this blog...)
  4. And I didn't really want to spend too much money at the start - I wanted to see if we could create what we had envisaged
I think, from my perspective, we have achieved (1) and (4).  I think (2) just happens over the course of time.

As for (3), it is fair to say, that is a daily learning. This is even further reinforced by the fact that this is a very part time effort for me at this stage.

I am happy with the game play so far, but I know it isn't sticky.  What is the reason people want to keep playing?  What is the driver that makes you think about starting it up and having a bit of fun?

At this stage, it is a great way to waste 1 - 5 mins.  Beyond that, not even I have that much of a reason to play.

Hmm...we guessed this might be the case.  v2 is definitely in order.

At the time of working through the app, the kids had determined that there should be something to 'spend' your bacon on.  Useless but fun upgrades.  We marked out a few of these as possible options. We also marked out a couple of little 'tools' to help the game play.

And of course, we need a proper high score table!!

So, v2 scoping was pretty high level, but it was a start.  There is something to a result, development is currently underway to get these mods introduced into the app.  I'm thinking that we should be able to release the High Scores version this week.  It will be v2.0.

This will be followed by v2.1 (the shop) and v2.2 (the hose).  These mods will definitely help...but will they be enough?  I don't know.  But it will be a start.

What do you think?  What else is needed to make a simple game addictive?

The journey continues...


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